Frequently asked questions

What days is Dr Dauber is the office? How quickly can I get an appointment? Do I need a referral?

Dr Dauber sees new and follow up patients in the office Tuesday through Friday 8 am-5 pm.  Dr Dauber performs nerve testing Monday mornings (and other days if requested) and spine injections Monday afternoons and Thursday mornings.  Many patients can get in to see Dr Dauber the same day or within 24-48 hours  No referral is needed to see Dr Dauber unless it is required by your insurance company.

Does Dr Dauber see patients who prefer to not have surgery?

Dr Dauber is a specialist in the non-operative treatment of a variety of conditions ranging from back, neck and hip pain to pinched nerves and bursitis.  Dr Dauber uses a variety of techniques including physical therapy, injections, medications and exercise to improve patients conditions.

Will my nerve test be uncomfortable? What do I need to do to prepare for the test?

Dr Dauber has performed more than 20,000 nerve tests and prides himself on providing the most comfortable experience possible.    The test consists of two parts.  The nerve test feels like static electricity (or a TENS unit).  The EMG is like small acupuncture  wires inserted into the muscles.  You do not need someone to drive you home and no premedications are needed.  To prepare for the test we ask that you do not apply lotion to the tested area prior to the test and that you wear clothing that will make it easy for Dr Dauber to assess the affected area (short sleeves for arms/hands or shorts for legs/feet)

Will my spine injection be done in the office?

Injections in the lower back are performed in a surgical center using guidance of fluoroscopy (xray).  It allows for more precise placement of the needle to improve the effectiveness of the injection.    (PLEASE ATTACH LINK TO THE INJECTION HANDOUT)

How does Dr Dauber handle phone calls and messages?

Most messages are returned before the end of each clinical day.  POSMC utilizes a portal and messages can be returned quickly via this system.

Does Dr Dauber see patients involved in car accidents or who are self pay?

Dr Dauber is happy to see patients who have been involved in motor vehicle collisions and patients who are self pay.  POSMC and Dr Dauber do no take letters of protection from attorneys.

Does Dr Dauber see patients who need chronic narcotics for pain management?

Dr Dauber utilizes narcotics for acute issues only.  He does not manage patients who require chronic narcotics.

Does Dr Dauber see work related injuries?

Dr Dauber prides himself in the care he provides for work related patients.  He is an expert in the workers compensation process and does impairment ratings if and when needed.  POSMC has a worker compensation department to answer questions on the process if needed.

What happens if my conservative issue needs surgery?

Dr Dauber works closely with the board certified/fellowship trained orthopedic physicians who are in POSMC.  Dr Dauber also works closely with many local physicians if an outside referral is needed.